Golpokar is a nationally and internationally well circulated monthly, literary magazine and publisher founded in January 2015 based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Golpokar publishes short fiction, interview, review, translation, world literature news and strives to publish work by both established and emerging contemporary authors. The magazine seeks out stories that stretch the reader between recognition and surprise and take a different way home. Golpokar becomes popular to bangali speaking people in all over the world.
Golpokar sponsors two annual short fiction contests, the Journalist Yakub Ali Short story Prize for above 40 age writers and Golpokar short story prize for under 40 writers in Bangladesh. The magazine also sponsors extempore storytelling program for School, College and University students and this program motivates students in reading and writing fiction. Golpokar has served printed about 700 writers to-date, out of whom more than 150 young writers made their debut in it.